Select 'Applications' under loans, then click 'Add New Loan' and correctly fill in the required fields.
Last updated
Select 'Applications' under loans, then click 'Add New Loan' and correctly fill in the required fields.
Last updated
This page shows the applications that have not yet been approved or declined. You can approve or decline the loan by selecting the vertical ellipsis (3 dots) and viewing the details.
To apply for a loan, just click the 'Add new Loan' button.
Make sure to fill in all required fields marked with a star to proceed to the next page
Key Fields:
Client Account: Search for the client who wishes to apply for a loan and select the account.
Make sure the account is active before applying for a loan. If the account is pending, check if the account opening fees have been cleared.
Branch: Attach the client to the branch that they are under.
Loan Product: Select the loan product that the client is requesting for.
Referral Officer: A referral officer is an individual tasked with identifying potential clients and directing them to the appropriate resources or personnel within an organization.
Requested Disbursement Date: Enter the date that is being requested. Note that you cannot disburse before the date you put in.
Requested Loan Amount: Enter the requested loan amount. Any upfront fees that are attached to that loan will be reflected after.
Requested Loan Duration: Enter the duration in months, weeks, or days depending on the frequency of the loan.
Upfront Fee Collection Method: You can collect fees from a bank account, cash account, or savings account/loan wallet.
Comment: Leave a comment that can impact the decision during approval of the loan. for example 'First Loan', 'Good credit score', 'Defaulter' etc.
After filling in the form, select 'Save' to be redirected to the Loan Details or 'Save & Create Another' to access an empty form to fill in for another client.
You can only modify the requested amount before selecting "Approve."
Once your loan is approved, it moves to . If declined, it goes to