Workflow Requests
The workflow requests page is a centralized platform where you can submit, track, and manage requests related to specific processes within an organization.
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The workflow requests page is a centralized platform where you can submit, track, and manage requests related to specific processes within an organization.
Last updated
A workflow refers to the structured sequence of steps and decision points that a document, request, or process undergoes as it moves through various levels of approval within an organization.
Under 'System Settings', click 'Workflows' and then select 'Add New Workflow' to create a new workflow. Please specify the workflow process that you want to create this workflow for.
After saving the workflow, you can click the 'Action' button to delete, edit or view details.
When you click on 'Details', you will be directed to a page where you can add levels to the workflow and assign staff members to each level. The person assigned to the first level will be responsible for the initial approval, followed by the second level and then the third, in that order.
Once the workflow has been established, reversing a transaction involves navigating to the list of transactions, locating the specific transaction you wish to reverse, and clicking on the action button. The option to reverse the transaction should be available once you click on the button.
To view the requests, please click on the 'Workflow Requests' drop-down and select 'Transaction Reversal'.
The responsible staff should click the task bar in the upper right corner to approve it.
The pending workflow request can be approved or declined by staff.
After all the necessary levels of approval have been obtained, the transaction can be reversed.
Go to the loan details of the client you want to request a loan write-off on and select the vertical ellipsis. Click 'Request Loan Write-off' and then type the reason for writing off the loan. A notification will go to the respective levels of approval and once the approvals are finished, the loan will be written off.
After the creation of a loan approval workflow, the loan application will request approval from the respective levels.
After the creation of a loan disbursement workflow, the loan will request disbursement from the respective levels.