A workflow refers to the structured sequence of steps and decision points that a document, request, or process undergoes as it moves through various levels of approval within an organization.
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A workflow refers to the structured sequence of steps and decision points that a document, request, or process undergoes as it moves through various levels of approval within an organization.
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Under 'System Settings', click 'Workflows' and then select 'Add New Workflow' to create a new workflow. Specify the process you wish to create the workflow for, such as Transaction Reversal, Loan Approval, Loan Disbursement, Loan Write-offs, or Share Purchase Reversal.
After saving the workflow, click the 'Action' button to delete, edit or view details.
When you click 'Details', you will be directed to a page where you can add levels to the workflow and assign staff members to each level. The person assigned to the first level will be responsible for the first approval, followed by the second level, and then the third, in that order.
Approval Percentage: The approval percentage is set for each level in the workflow. For instance, if you set it to 100%, it means that all individuals on that level must approve the request for it to progress to the next level. However, if there are 2 individuals on a level and you set it to 50%, only one person needs to approve the request to advance to the next level.
Here, you can set conditions for your workflow's movement. Click 'Automations' then 'Add Automation' to set conditions and save.
Condition: For the condition, choose 'amount'. This means the condition will be based on the amount of money.
Comparison: Select one of the options: 'greater than', 'greater than or equal to', 'less than', or 'less than or equal to'. Then, specify the value, such as the amount of money. For example, if you choose 'greater than' and set the value to 1 million, it means you're setting the condition for amounts greater than 1 million.
For the outcome, select either 'start level' or 'last level'.
If you choose 'start level', then select the level you want the workflow to begin with.
If you choose 'last level', then select the level where you want the workflow to end, receiving the final approval.
Status: You can activate or deactivate the automation.